Hi Friends,
Yesterdayy I received an error "Unresolved symbol: nnflgapc (Code)" and was trying to find the reason why it is and also what is the permanent fix for it.
Below is the answer to my question "Why it is occurred?".
I have got this error while using LSNRCTL command on HP UX Server. The problem is with Oracle Library, which either was not created properly in the machine.
Second thought was then why I am able to use SQLPLUS command but later after studying I found that SQLPLUS does not uses the same library that are used by LSNRCTL command.
Permanent Fix
This error indicates that the Dynamic Loader (DLD) is unable to find the symbol nnflgapc which should have been created by one of the library file.
The option is to re-install the Oracle DB Software so that it will re-create the libraries and re-validate the same according to changes in the server environment.
Hope this article will help you out and please don't forget to give your comments.
Best Regards,
Monday, December 20, 2010
Error: /usr/lib/dld.sl: Unresolved symbol: nnflgapc (code) from /oracle//9.2.0/bin
Hi Friends,
Yesterdayy I received an error "Unresolved symbol: nnflgapc (Code)" and was trying to find the reason why it is and also what is the permanent fix for it.
Below is the answer to my question "Why it is occurred?".
I have got this error while using LSNRCTL command on HP UX Server. The problem is with Oracle Library, which either was not created properly in the machine.
Second thought was then why I am able to use SQLPLUS command but later after studying I found that SQLPLUS does not uses the same library that are used by LSNRCTL command.
Permanent Fix
This error indicates that the Dynamic Loader (DLD) is unable to find the symbol nnflgapc which should have been created by one of the library file.
The option is to re-install the Oracle DB Software so that it will re-create the libraries and re-validate the same according to changes in the server environment.
Hope this article will help you out and please don't forget to give your comments.
Best Regards,
Yesterdayy I received an error "Unresolved symbol: nnflgapc (Code)" and was trying to find the reason why it is and also what is the permanent fix for it.
Below is the answer to my question "Why it is occurred?".
I have got this error while using LSNRCTL command on HP UX Server. The problem is with Oracle Library, which either was not created properly in the machine.
Second thought was then why I am able to use SQLPLUS command but later after studying I found that SQLPLUS does not uses the same library that are used by LSNRCTL command.
Permanent Fix
This error indicates that the Dynamic Loader (DLD) is unable to find the symbol nnflgapc which should have been created by one of the library file.
The option is to re-install the Oracle DB Software so that it will re-create the libraries and re-validate the same according to changes in the server environment.
Hope this article will help you out and please don't forget to give your comments.
Best Regards,
Saturday, December 18, 2010
*.ear file not found Error while installing Oracle 11g Rel 2
Hi Friends,
I was installing Oracle 11g Rel 2 on my Windows and found that we get an errors on *.ear files saying "File Not Found" so below is the steps to resolve this error and do a successful installation on your servers.
You will see that your installation is completed successfully without any errors.
Hope this will help you all in your installation of Oracle 11g Rel 2 database.
Feel free if you are finding any other error and dont forget to put your thanks note if you like it.
Best Regards,
I was installing Oracle 11g Rel 2 on my Windows and found that we get an errors on *.ear files saying "File Not Found" so below is the steps to resolve this error and do a successful installation on your servers.
- Unzip the files download from OTN site.
- Copy the files from Disk 2 to Disk 1 folders appropriately to tagged folders.
- Start the installation
You will see that your installation is completed successfully without any errors.
Hope this will help you all in your installation of Oracle 11g Rel 2 database.
Feel free if you are finding any other error and dont forget to put your thanks note if you like it.
Best Regards,
*.ear file not found Error while installing Oracle 11g Rel 2
Hi Friends,
I was installing Oracle 11g Rel 2 on my Windows and found that we get an errors on *.ear files saying "File Not Found" so below is the steps to resolve this error and do a successful installation on your servers.
You will see that your installation is completed successfully without any errors.
Hope this will help you all in your installation of Oracle 11g Rel 2 database.
Feel free if you are finding any other error and dont forget to put your thanks note if you like it.
Best Regards,
I was installing Oracle 11g Rel 2 on my Windows and found that we get an errors on *.ear files saying "File Not Found" so below is the steps to resolve this error and do a successful installation on your servers.
- Unzip the files download from OTN site.
- Copy the files from Disk 2 to Disk 1 folders appropriately to tagged folders.
- Start the installation
You will see that your installation is completed successfully without any errors.
Hope this will help you all in your installation of Oracle 11g Rel 2 database.
Feel free if you are finding any other error and dont forget to put your thanks note if you like it.
Best Regards,
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Migrate Oracle Database from Enterprise Edition to Standard Edition
I have heard many DBA come across a situation where they are told to down grade the Oracle Database from Enterprise to Standard Edition. It might be due to cost cutting or some times it depends on the utilization that an organization takes from that db server.
So here I would like to share some of the basic steps that will help you in migrating your database(s).
- Oracle Standard Edition needs to be installed in different ORACLE_HOME.
- Take a cold/hot backup of your databases. (recommend to go for COLD backup)
- Shutdown database the database currently in use by 'shutdown immediate' or 'shutdown normal'
- Start setting up your new ORACLE_HOME, LIBPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, SHLIB_PATH, TNS_ADMIN parameter and any other if required. Make sure that all this parameter is set to the new installation made (In our example it will be Standard Edition)
- If you are using _SYSTEM_TRIG_ENABLED OR JOB_QUEUE_PROCESS then request you to turn off before moving ahead.
- Start database under new Oracle Home.
Now if you observe properly you will find that the database will be running in Oracle Standard Edition but all the dictionary tables and packages are still of Enterprise Edition. So we need to migrate these objects to Standard Edition.
Hope you remember the step that we do when we do a upgrade. Yes!! Execution of cataproc and catlog sql files.
- Execute the below commands as SYSDBA
Command Prompt>sqlplus /nolog
SQL>connect internalOR
SQL>connect /as sysdba
These scripts will re-create all the system and sys objects used by Oracle for Standard Edition.
- For RMAN Catalog upgrade we need to execute the below rman commands.
Command Prompt>rman
RMAN>connect target
RMAN>upgrade catalog;
- Shutdown the database and restart it.
- Post Migration we need to check if all the RMAN and other shell scripts are working properly because we might have entered the complete path of Oracle Home.
- As we are aware that Oracle Standard Edition supports 1 RMAN Channel so we need to make the changes to the backup and restore script as well by allocating 1 channel.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Error Installing Oracle 10g on HP-UX
Today, I was doing an installation of Oracle 10g Rel 2 Database on HP-UX B.11.31 and found the below error.
trying to install Oracle 10 G release 2 on HP-UX (HP-UX B.11.31) and it was giving me an error mentioned below.
Checking operating system version: must be B.11.23. Actual B.11.31
Here you are not missing any patch or u don't need to download the Oracle binary again for HP-UX 11.31.
Here is the solution you can try.
Just ignore this error and start executing with below command that will ignore system Pre-requisites check.
runInstaller -ignoreSysPreReqs
trying to install Oracle 10 G release 2 on HP-UX (HP-UX B.11.31) and it was giving me an error mentioned below.
Checking operating system version: must be B.11.23. Actual B.11.31
Here you are not missing any patch or u don't need to download the Oracle binary again for HP-UX 11.31.
Here is the solution you can try.
Just ignore this error and start executing with below command that will ignore system Pre-requisites check.
runInstaller -ignoreSysPreReqs
Friday, July 23, 2010
Less than 1 Year until the internet runs out of IP Version 4
As currently we are using IPV4 and as said by John Curran, President and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) today that this is going to be a big issue in the coming year.
IPv4 address is limited to a 32-bit number, which means there are a maximum of just over 4 billion unique addresses assigned over the globe. IPv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol and it uses 128-bit address and can provide over 4 billion addresses to every person on the planet.
Check the below link that is available on Win7Vista.com that provides you more details
IPv4 address is limited to a 32-bit number, which means there are a maximum of just over 4 billion unique addresses assigned over the globe. IPv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol and it uses 128-bit address and can provide over 4 billion addresses to every person on the planet.
Check the below link that is available on Win7Vista.com that provides you more details
Friday, June 25, 2010
Find the Size of Schema in Database
Below query will help you out in finding the size of the schema in database
Select sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 GB, tablespace_name from dba_segments where owner='XXXXX' group by tablespace_nameNEED TO REPLACE XXXXX WITH THE SCHEMA NAME THAT NEEDS TO BE EXPORTED
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What is Internode Sync in RAC environment?
Internode sync is critical in RAC environment because it maintain proper co-ordination between processes on different nodes, preventing them from changing the same resource at the same time.
Internode sync guarantees that each instance see the most recent version of a block in its buffer cache.
This is the reason of having a necessity of Global Resources in RAC Environment
For more details read: Global Resources Topic in Oracle RAC.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Message - FIFA 2010 Begins this week...
Hello Friends,
Very much happy to see that FIFA 2010 begins this week on 11th June 2010.
It is one of my favourite game that I use to play during my school days. Below is the schedule of the same.
Very much happy to see that FIFA 2010 begins this week on 11th June 2010.
It is one of my favourite game that I use to play during my school days. Below is the schedule of the same.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
How to check connection distributed among RAC Nodes
Below is the queries that can help in identifying the connections that are distributed among RAC nodes.
SELECT inst_id, count(*) "Database Sessions" FROM gv$session
WHERE type = 'USER' GROUP BY inst_id;
WHERE type = 'USER' GROUP BY inst_id;
If you need to check the output with the log-in time then you can use below query.
SELECT inst_id, TO_CHAR(logon_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24') "Connection Time(In Hours)", count(*) "Database Sessions"
FROM gv$session
WHERE type = 'USER'
GROUP BY inst_id, TO_CHAR(logon_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24')
ORDER BY inst_id, TO_CHAR(logon_time, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24');
Monday, May 24, 2010
Hello Friends,
I was busy with some personal work and so I was not able to keep track and provide an update on this blog. I am back and will keep posting on technical topics related to Oracle Database.
Please keep providing your feedback's on the topics so that we can know how we can serve you better.
I was busy with some personal work and so I was not able to keep track and provide an update on this blog. I am back and will keep posting on technical topics related to Oracle Database.
Please keep providing your feedback's on the topics so that we can know how we can serve you better.
Hello Friends,
I was busy with some personal work and so I was not able to keep track and provide an update on this blog. I am back and will keep posting on technical topics related to Oracle Database.
Please keep providing your feedback's on the topics so that we can know how we can serve you better.
I was busy with some personal work and so I was not able to keep track and provide an update on this blog. I am back and will keep posting on technical topics related to Oracle Database.
Please keep providing your feedback's on the topics so that we can know how we can serve you better.
How to Turn ON Logging at Oracle Listner
Turn on logging for all listeners in order to capture Listener commands and brute force password attacks.
LSNRCTL> set current_listener
LSNRCTL> set password Password: listener>
LSNRCTL> set log_directory/network/admin
LSNRCTL> set log_file.log
LSNRCTL> set log_status on
LSNRCTL> save_config
This will help in identifying the Listener Commands and if there is any Brute force attack to the system.
LSNRCTL> set current_listener
LSNRCTL> set password Password:
LSNRCTL> set log_directory
LSNRCTL> set log_file
LSNRCTL> set log_status on
LSNRCTL> save_config
This will help in identifying the Listener Commands and if there is any Brute force attack to the system.
How to Block Unwanted Connection @ Oracle Net Manager
It is completely depending on the type of application and network configuration you have in your environment, Node validation can be a powerful tool to restrict most traffic from the Listener. Currently I am supporting web applications database and I found that only web application require access to the Listener from the application servers and a limited number of clients for administration. The simplest method to determine valid IP addresses for checking nodes is through database auditing.
As I read in some notes, it is always recommended that we always have session level auditing enabled.
In Oracle 9i/10g Database the valid node checking lines are added to the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file.
tcp.validnode_checking = yes
tcp.invited_nodes = (x.x.x.x | name, x.x.x.x | name)
tcp.excluded_nodes=( x.x.x.x | name, x.x.x.x | name)
Any one option can be included i.e. either the invited_nodes or excluded_nodes and not both. Only individual IP addresses or host names are allowed.
For more details I would request you to read Oracle Connection Manager reference material at Oracle Docs.
How to Block Unwanted Connection @ Oracle Net Manager
It is completely depending on the type of application and network configuration you have in your environment, Node validation can be a powerful tool to restrict most traffic from the Listener. Currently I am supporting web applications database and I found that only web application require access to the Listener from the application servers and a limited number of clients for administration. The simplest method to determine valid IP addresses for checking nodes is through database auditing.
As I read in some notes, it is always recommended that we always have session level auditing enabled.
In Oracle 9i/10g Database the valid node checking lines are added to the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora file.
tcp.validnode_checking = yes
tcp.invited_nodes = (x.x.x.x | name, x.x.x.x | name)
tcp.excluded_nodes=( x.x.x.x | name, x.x.x.x | name)
Any one option can be included i.e. either the invited_nodes or excluded_nodes and not both. Only individual IP addresses or host names are allowed.
For more details I would request you to read Oracle Connection Manager reference material at Oracle Docs.
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