Monday, July 18, 2011

Oracle 11g Release 2: Delete a Node from the Cluster

We have 3 node rac in the below example (racn1, racn2 and racn3), where we are removing racn3 from the cluster

  • Notify the location of the Oracle Clusterware home that is consistent on all the nodes.
  • Execute the crsctl statement given below as root user from the node that will remain in the clusterware to unpin the node.
    • [root@racn1]#crsctl unpin css -n racn3
  • Before removing the node from the cluster we need to stop and remove the VIP.
    • #srvctl stop vip -i vip_name -f
    • #srvctl remove vip -i vip_name -f
    • NOTE: vip_name is the Virtual IP (VIP) for the nodes that needs to be deleted
  • Execute the perl script that is provided by Oracle and stored at $Grid_home/crs/install directory on all the nodes that you want to be deleted from cluster.
    • [root@racn1]#./ -delete -force
  • Execute the crsctl statement given below as root user from the node that will remain in the clusterware.
    • [root@racn1]#crsctl delete node -n racn3
  • Once the node is deleted execute the below statement on the same node that you have deleted by the owner user of Oracle Clusterware.
    • [grid@racn3]$cd $GRID_HOME/oui/bin
    • [grid@racn3]./runInstaller -updateNodeList \ ORACLE_HOME=Grid_Home "Cluster_Nodes={racn3}" CRS=TRUE - local
  • Execute the runInstaller with grid user as it was the owner of the Oracle Clusterware on the same node that we are deleting
    • [grid@racn3]./runInstaller -detachHome ORACLE_HOME=/db/oracle/app/11.2.0/grid [This will be working if we have shared home]
    • [grid@racn3]./deinstall -local [This if we have non-shared home]
  • To update the rest of the nodes of cluster select any active node and execute the below statements to update the node list
    • [grid@racn1] cd $GRID_HOME/oui/bin
    • [grid@racn1] ./runInstaller -updateNodeList ORACLE_HOME=/db/oracle/app/11.2.0/grid  "CLUSTER_NODES={racn1,racn2}" CRS=TRUE
Hope this post will help you out. Keep checking our blog as there are many other topics that is yet to come.

1 comment:

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