Sunday, July 17, 2011

Oracle 11g Release 2: SRVCTL commands PART 2 [Instance]

SRVCTL command for Instances 

To add the instance
  • srvctl add instance –d db_name –i inst_name -n node_name
  • srvctl add instance -d ingress_test -i ingress_test01 -n linuxrac01

To Remove the instance
  • srvctl remove instance –d db_name –i inst_name
  • srvctl remove instance -d ingress_test -i ingress_test01

To Start the instance
  • srvctl start instance -d db_name -i inst_names [-o start_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
  • srvctl start instance –d db_name –i inst_names [-o open]
  • srvctl start instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o nomount
  • srvctl start instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o mount
  • srvctl start instance –d ingress_test -i ingress_test02

To start the instance in Oracle 11g:
  • srvctl start instance -d db_unique_name {-n node_name -i "instance_name_list"} [-o start_options]
  • srvctl start instance -d ingress_test -n linuxrac02
  • srvctl start instance -d ingress_test -i "ingress_test02,ingress_test03"

To stop the instance
  • srvctl stop instance -d db_name -i inst_names [-o stop_options] [-c connect_str|-q]
  • srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names [-o normal]
  • srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o transactional
  • srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o immediate
  • srvctl stop instance –d db_name –i inst_names -o abort
  • srvctl stop instance –d ingress_test -i ingress_test03

To stop the instance in Oracle 11g:
  • srvctl stop instance -d db_unique_name {[-n node_name]|[-i "instance_name_list"]} [-o stop_options] [-f]
  • srvctl stop instance -d ingress_test -n linuxrac01
  • srvctl stop instance -d ingress_test -i ingress_test01

To check the status of the instance
  • srvctl status instance –d db_name –i inst_names [-f] [-v] [-S level]
  • srvctl status instance –d ingress_test -i ingress_test02

To check the status of the instance in Oracle 11g:
  • srvctl status instance -d db_unique_name {-n node_name | -i "instance_name_list"} [-f] [-v]
  • srvctl status instance -d ingress_test -i "ingress_test01,ingress_test02" -v
To enable/disable the instance
  • srvctl enable instance –d db_name –i inst_names
  • srvctl enable instance -d ingress_test -i "ingress_test01,ingress_test02"
  • srvctl disable instance –d db_name –i inst_names
  • srvctl disable inst -d ingress_test -i "ingress_test01,ingress_test03"

To set dependency of instance to ASM
  • srvctl modify instance -d db_name -i inst_name {-s asm_inst_name|-r} 
  • srvctl modify instance -d db_unique_name -i instance_name {-n node_name|-z}
  • srvctl modify instance -d ingress_test -i ingress_test01 -n linuxrac01
  • srvctl modify instance -d ingress_test -i ingress_test01 -z

To move the database instance
  • srvctl modify instance -d db_name -i inst_name -n node_name 
  • srvctl modify instance –d ingress_test –i ingress_test02 –n linuxrac01

To remove the database instance
  • srvctl modify instance -d db_name -i inst_name -r 
  • srvctl modify instance –d ingress_test –i ingress_test01 –r

To get/set/unset the environment configuration of the instance
  • srvctl getenv instance –d db_name –i inst_name [-t name_list]
  • srvctl getenv instance –d ingress_test –i ingress_test01
  • srvctl setenv instance –d db_name [–i inst_name] {-t "name=val[,name=val,...]" | -T "name=val"}
  • srvctl setenv instance –d ingress_test –i ingress_test01 [options]
  • srvctl unsetenv instance –d db_name [–i inst_name] [-t name_list]
  • srvctl unsetenv instance –d ingress_test –i ingress_test01 [-t options]

Hope my post will help you and just keep watching there is some more options that will be coming soon in part 3

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